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See Something - Say Something is a brand known around the world.  We have added ACT, to bring real-time actionable community engagement & communication;  See Say


The strategy itself was borne out of Project Griffin, a strategy that originated in the United Kingdom by the City of London and Metropolitan Police.  These UK-based methods and practices have evolved from global lessons learned based on actual mass incidents. Our goal is to share this with authorities that have mass people and critical infrastructure to protect. 


Today this strategy is used by some of the largest cities in the world, but we encourage every community to adopt this effective method of engagement. 

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Redefining the Way to
Engage Public Safety

in a Community

We hope we can help your authority

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Hailing a Cab
On the Train
A Port Worker
Family Vacation

Multiple Global Police Meetings Reviewing Incident and Practices

Our Project's Journey, So Far


LAX Active Shooter Incident

In November 2013 an active shooter incident at Los Angeles International Airport began our quest to find a solution to mass people environments incident management in order to provide effective command and control, situational awareness, and work towards effective engagement of persons within the security environment through communication and collaboration in real-time with relevant and trusted information for operations, emergencies, and crisis management. 


Memorium of Understanding

Through our work with governments and policing after the 9/11 event, we became aware of some authorities who had expertise in terrorist activities. One, in particular, had a project that centred on our objective. The United Kingdom's police had developed a comprehensive plan called CONTEST, and in addition, had in place an evidence-based and well-developed strategy called Project Griffin.  We entered into a memorandum of understanding with the City of London Police Project Griffin Executive Committee to implement the management of using a force multiplier process of engagement led by police and training security, tenant personnel and the public.

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2016 - 2021

Building Best Practices

Over several years we have participated, audited and had in-depth discussions with our partners from law enforcement and government entities through individual research, audited events, detailed briefing of after-action reports by those who were directly involved, and formally discussed recommended best practices.  Even with effective practices, the Achilles' heel always came back to communication failure in one form or another. We doubled down our efforts to work with selected commercial mass communication technology companies to implement holistic solutions that provided external community engagement and internal personnel information management.

2022 Launch

Innovative Community Technology

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Today we offer a combined Community Security Best Practices that incorporates Quality Assurance Management Systems with technology solutions that are designed for mass people environments; this includes communication that provides individual notification based on their location that is relevant and timely.


The Essential plan was designed to be a benchmark solution to protect all the people in a mass people environment from cities to airports, seaports, transport and other critical infrastructures where people gather. It's an affordable and sustainable holistic branded actionable solution built on using the See Say Act brand to educate and encourage trusted community interaction.

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See Say Act Today!


Derived From a Global Expert Knowledgebase

We acknowledge the many organizations over the several years who have contributed one way or another to make this effort a reality through supported reviews and analyses of multiple terrorist and security events and activities in a collaboration that included police, security and government leaders through forums, workshops, and on the ground activities. Organizations engaged in this process have included the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, European Airport and Seaport Police,  INTERPOL, American Association of Port Authorities, EU Airpol, Airport Law Enforcement Network, Australian Federal Police, Canadian Police and Border Services, U.S. Department of Justice,  International Maritime Organization, United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, New Zealand Police their Border Service.



A very special thanks are given to the City of London Police, London Metropolitan Police, Sussex Police, UK Ports Protective Security, UK National Counter Terrorism Policing HQ, UK National Counter Terrorism Security Office, UK Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police, Los Angeles Airport and Seaport Police, DFW Public Safety, Gatwick and Heathrow Airport Authorities; and the many other organizations for their participation and assistance.


This work could not have evolved without their cooperation.

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